Horror novelist, Hollywood producer, and profane critic of President Donald Trump Stephen King says he is “pulling for Elizabeth Warren” and hopes to see the presidential candidate “open a large can of whup-ass on Trump in the debates.”

“I’ll support and work for any Democrat who wins the nomination, but I’m pulling for Elizabeth Warren,” the Finders Keepers author wrote on the eve of the Iowa caucuses.

“I’d love to see her open a large can of whup-ass on Trump in the debates,” King added.

The Outsiders author has a long history of publicly expressing his disdain for the president, even threatening to “work with all my might” to oust his congressman, Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME), in the event of the lawmaker voting in favor of just one article of impeachment against the president rather than two — a move Golden ultimately made.

Similarly, King has called for voters to oust Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) over what he says is her impending vote to acquit the president.

“Republican Murkowski, not up for re-election, voted against witnesses. Republican Collins, up for re-election, voted for witnesses. Both will vote to acquit. It’s Moscow Mitch at his finest,” he said last week. “Hey hey, ho ho, Susan Collins has to go.”

The Pet Semetary author has attacked the president on Twitter on numerous occasions, calling Trump a “horse’s ass” and “a vile, racist, and incompetent bag of guts and waters.”

In November, King told his 5.6 million Twitter followers that he felt like screaming, “Everybody knows that Trump is as crooked as a broken nose and as dumb as a fencepost. Just quit shitting around and get him the fuck out of there.”

Despite King’s public support for Warren, the current RealClearPolitics average shows her trailing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Joe Biden (D), and Pete Buttigieg (D) in the Hawkeye State ahead of the highly-anticipated caucuses, which kick off Monday evening.