Actress Patricia Heaton took to Twitter on Wednesday and asked why “would any civilized person want to support a barbaric platform” such as that of the Democrat Party, which “champions abortion for any reason through all nine months” of a woman’s pregnancy.

“I don’t understand why pro-life people want to know if they are ‘welcome’ to join the democrat party,” said Heaton who has been a fixture on beloved TV shows for decades, from Everybody Loves Raymond to the ABC hit The Middle. “Why would any civilized person want to support a barbaric platform that champions abortion for any reason through all nine months funded by taxpayers?”

“P.S. I didn’t vote in the last presidential cycle and will not be voting in this one,” clarified the actress in additional tweet. “I am not a Trump supporter.”

Heaton may have felt compelled to mention that she does not support President Donald Trump due to increasingly polarized political climate of today — which is known to favor those on the left in certain industries — especially for those in Hollywood.

In 2011, the Carol’s Second Act star was reported to have lost potential roles in the entertainment industry due to her conservative stances on issues like abortion and stem cells.

Patricia Heaton has never been shy about the importance of her Christian faith, and how it shapes her worldview and career choices.

“We know for a fact there are some people who have said they wouldn’t want to work with us because of our politics,” said Heaton, according to PopEater.

“We get lumped in with lunatics,” added the actress’ husband, David Hunt.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.