Star of Disney’s The Lion King Seth Rogen hurled an unhinged and profane rant at Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), calling him a “fascist” after the Texas senator called out President Joe Biden for rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement.

“By rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, President Biden indicates he’s more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris than in the jobs of the citizens of Pittsburgh,” tweeted Cruz on Wednesday. “This agreement will do little to affect the climate and will harm the livelihoods of Americans.”

Seth Rogen reacted to the senator’s tweet by responding with “Fuck off you fascist” in the comment section below.

“Charming, civil, educated response. ⁦@Sethrogen,” Cruz responded to Rogen in a follow-up tweet. “If you’re a rich, angry Hollywood celebrity, today’s Dems are the party for you. If you’re blue-collar, if you’re a union member, if you work in energy or manufacturing… not so much.”

Rogen doubled down, firing off another f-bomb laden screed, saying “Haha get fucked fascist. Go encourage a white supremacist insurrection again you fucking clown.”

On Wednesday, Biden signed a stack of executive orders to roll back former President Donald Trump’s agenda. One of the executive orders included an order to reverse the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.

“America’s ‘commitment’ to the Paris Climate Agreement will be used by the Biden administration as justification for a whole litany of new executive actions and burdensome federal regulations to shape our energy and environmental policy – which will burden American families, manufacturers, and businesses with higher energy costs at a time when they are already struggling,” said Cruz in a statement.

The senator added that according to one analysis, “the regulations necessary to meet the original commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement would result in the loss of 400,000 American manufacturing jobs and would cost families of four $20,000 in lost income over a nearly 20-year period.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.