Left-wing actress and “Impeach Trump” songstress Demi Lovato took to Instagram on Tuesday to announce that it’s “okay” if people “misgender” her because even she sometimes can’t remember which pronouns she has decided to use.

“If you misgender me — that’s okay. I accidentally misgender myself sometimes!” Demi Lovato wrote in an Instagram post. “It’s a huge transition to change the pronouns I’ve used for myself my entire life. And it’s difficult to remember sometimes!”

Lovato said she believes she’ll get better at remembering what her new pronouns are, as long as others “keep trying to respect my truth,” and “I remember my truth.”

In an earlier Instagram post, the singer even claimed that “a lot more people would identify as non-binary if they understood what it meant,” and insisted that claiming to be “non-binary isn’t just a gen-z ‘trend.'”

“Non-binary people deserve the right to exist without constantly explaining, justifying, and proving that they are real to people who refuse to accept that gender as we know it is changing,” one of the images in the post reads.

In May, just months after coming out as “pansexual,” Lovato announced that she is officially gender “non-binary,” and would be using the pronouns “they” and “them” to refer to herself from then on.

While media outlets and left-wing activists hype transgenderism and guide children to doubt their biological sex, more young people are identifying as nonbinary than ever.

New research published by the Trevor Project on Tuesday found that over one in four — 26 percent — of LGBTQ youth identify as non-binary. An additional 20 percent said they are not sure or are questioning whether they identify as nonbinary.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.