Big, brave Hollywood is determined as all get out to make Evil Russia pay for its evil invasion of Ukraine.

You’ve read all the self-aggrandizing headlines:

Well, good for Hollywood. Decent people should not be doing business with war criminals like Putin.

But, uhm, what about China…?

China’s been threatening Taiwan for decades and someday will invade.

China’s been starving and murdering its own people for even more decades.

China puts innocent people in concentration camps.

China is still committing genocide against the Uyghurs, including forced abortions and sterilizations.

I don’t want to get into the comparison business between the horrors committed by China and the horrors committed by Russia. But any rational person knows is that if you claim to have a social conscience — as Hollywood does all the damn time, on what planet does your social conscience bleed for the Ukrainians and not the Uyghurs.

Well, maybe on a racist planet where Hollywood sees the Ukrainians as Western and primarily white and the Uyghurs as just a bunch of Muslims.

Or maybe it’s just naked greed.

After all, it must be pretty easy to look over a little of the ole’ Muslim genocide when you see those piles of cash flowing in from China’s Nazis—at least easy if you’re a Hollywood sociopath.

Or maybe it’s both greed and racism?

Me? I’m gonna go with both.

There is good news, though. The same China that racist Hollywood sold its soul to is now sticking it to Hollywood by refusing to exhibition most of their movies. Gee, who would have ever guessed that doing business with the devil might not pay off in the long run?

All for China, Hollywood censored its art, marginalized its black stars, and proved that their social conscience is somehow willing to tolerate fascism and genocide … if the price is right.

We see you.

You’re not fooling anyone.

You’re all shit.

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