Cate Blanchett is the latest left-wing Hollywood star to sound the alarm on Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, calling the billionaire free-speech advocate’s ownership of the social media platform “very, very dangerous.”

The two-time Oscar-winning actress — who’s set to appear in the Netflix-produced animated film Pinocchio — issued her ominous prognostication prior to receiving a career award from Lincoln Center in New York on Monday.

“It’s dangerous,” Blanchett told Variety when asked about Musk’s Twitter takeover. “That’s all I have to say, it’s very, very dangerous.”

It remains unclear why Blanchett believes Musk’s ownership of Twitter is “dangerous.”

Musk has promised to end censorship on Twitter and allow greater diversity of political thought — a promise that has enraged leftists and establishment media types who in the past have successfully pressured the platform into censoring and banning prominent conservative voices.

Blanchett, who doesn’t appear to have an official Twitter account, joins other Hollywood stars including Rob Reiner, Bette Midler, and Rosanna Arquette who have collectively expressed anger, dismay, and fear at the prospect of Musk owning the social media platform.

The Australian actress clearly has no problems working for another ubiquitous billionaire, Jeff Bezos. As Breitbart News reported, Blanchett has teamed up with Amazon’s Audible for a podcast devoted to discussing climate change.

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