Just as woke pro-abortion mobs are gathering outside churches and the homes U.S. Supreme Court Justices to protest, FOX’s Family Guy cracked a rape joke using Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s name

In Sunday’s episode of the long-running animated series, entitled, “Girlfriend, eh?,” Peter Griffin (Seth MacFarlane) and his son Chris (Seth Green) take a road trip to Canada so Peter can prove that Chris invented a fake girlfriend after Chris said he met the girl at camp and that she lives in Canada.

During the car trip, Peter blurts out that Chris’s sister, Meg, is a result of date rape, and that is where the calumny against Kavanagh comes in.

Peter tells Chris that he does not believe the boy met a girl from Canada because he also once made up a “girlfriend from Canada” story. Peter adds that when he was a teen, he was a loser and invented the girlfriend from Canada story as a cover.

But then he notes that he met Chris’s mother, Lois, and it all got sorted out.

“Eventually, it all worked out,” Peter told his son during the car trip. “I met your mom, I Brett Kavanaugh-ed her up some stairs and accidentally had Meg. But high school was a rough couple of years.”

Watch below via MRC:

The injection of “Brett Kavanaugh-ed” into the bit refers to the scurrilous and unfounded accusations that as a teen, Kavanaugh sponsored alcohol-fueled parties where he and other boys put date rape drugs in the drinks of the girls attending the parties.

These calumnies were floated by Christine Blasey Ford at Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing and echoed endlessly by the left-wing press. Ford claimed there were multiple parties and dozens of people attended them. But not a single person ever came forward to substantiate Ford’s wild accusations against Kavanaugh.

Such a lie sneaked into the dialog of this series is not much of a surprise for writer and producer Seth MacFarlane, a very vocal leftist who has donated millions to Democrats.

To highlight just a few of his left-wing assertions, in 2019 MacFarlane claimed that the Green New Deal is “essential for the survival of our species.”He vowed to self-censor and to stop writing gay jokes on Family Guy to suit the LGBTQ mafia, said not baking a cake for a gay wedding is somehow “just like” racism, and regularly attacked Donald Trump and his voters.

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