The perverted child groomers who run Disney have once again been forced to reschedule its major franchises, including the widely hated Star Wars.

Bloomberg reports that all three of Disney’s top franchises have been pushed, in some cases, to years that feel like science fiction themselves.

The next Avengers film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will not hit theaters until May of 2027. It was originally scheduled for May of 2026.

Avatar fans will have to wait until December of 2025 for part three. That gives those fans another full year to store up their edibles and acid for what will probably be a four-hour movie no one remembers while sober.

Avatar part four was moved from — get this — 2026 to 2029. Avatar part five was bumped from 2028 to 2031! The movie site Mary Sue said of this: “Avatar 5 in 2031? That’s not a real year. That’s when sci-fi movies take place.”

I’ll be 65 in 2031. I don’t even want to think about 2031.

And now we come to Star Wars, the once infallible, universally-beloved franchise Disney woke-raped into a divisive joke. The last Star Wars movie, Something-Something Jedi, hit screens in 2019. But not too long ago, we were assured the next Star Wars movie would arrive in the summer of 2025. Well, that’s now been moved to the summer of 2026.

If that date holds, we’re looking at seven years between Star Wars features. For context, Disney originally planned to release two Star Wars features yearly. The groomers saw Star Wars as another Marvel Cinematic Universe, a franchise that could be milked and expanded for decades.

But then two things happened: 1) Kathleen and 2) Kennedy.

Kathleen Kennedy freaken hates the Star Wars fan base and decided to stick her pale, fat finger in the eye of those fans while suffering under the delusion she could attract enough joyless feminists, Black Lives Matter terrorists, and homosexuals to take their place. The results were and are catastrophic.

To pretend all was well, Kennedy then used all five of her pale, fat fingers to grab hold of a pile of feces and throw it against a wall where a lot of dumb ideas were posted. Ideas like The Book of Boba Fett, The Mandalorian, Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Bad Batch, Rebels… Well, wouldn’t you know it, the hurled crap hit every title, all the shows ended up being produced, and on top of no one liking them, the world is tired of Stars Wars.

If you had told me that someday the world would be tired of Star Wars, especially after watching the fan base pretend to like those George Lucas prequels, I would have laughed in your face. But then along came Kathleen “The Force is Female” Kennedy.

So here’s what I think is happening here…

The child abusers at Disney are in full freak-out mode. Obviously, this doesn’t include Avatar, which is its own thing and was inherited by Disney’s groomers with the 2019 acquisition of 20th Century Fox.

Other than that, Disney is freaking and buying time. Almost everything Disney is flopping. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is an exception, but that’s a holdover from when people still liked Marvel. Ant-Man 3 flopped. Everyone hated Thor 4: Emasculated. Worse still, The Eternals flopped. The Eternals was supposed to be the future. The Marvels is next, and you know that will be a feminist hunk of crap because it stars Brie Larson. The Marvels could easily disappoint. What Disney definitely cannot afford is for the next chapter of the Avengers to flop. So, pushing it a year gives the groomers time to right that ship.

Pushing Star Wars a year is the most telling. The woke stink is all over that golden goose. The next Star Wars film MUST reinvigorate the franchise, or all is lost.

A new Pixar film, The Elementals, is predicted to flop this weekend. At the end of the month, box office analysts say the latest Indiana Jones movie will underperform. This is a studio taking on water for three reasons: 1) creative bankruptcy, 2) the staff is a slave to disgusting sexual fetishes, and 3) Kathleen Kennedy.

If Disney had just left the kids alone, the crumbling company would be in much better shape. It couldn’t do that, so I wish these monsters nothing but failure.