Hollywood star Ryan Gosling says he is not accepting darker roles in films in order to protect his family’s mental health.

The Barbie star told the Wall Street Journal that these days he carefully considers his roles and consults with his wife, Eva Mendes, over what films he decides to take.

“I don’t really take roles that are going to put me in some kind of dark place,” he said. “This moment is what I feel like trying to read the room at home and feel like what is going to be best for all of us. The decisions I make, I make them with [wife] Eva [Mendes], and we make them with our family in mind first.”

Mendes and Gosling have two daughters, Esmeralda Amada and Amada Lee.

Gosling added that 2016’s La La Land was the first film he accepted after he began to consider how the roles he undertakes might impact his wife and children.

“It was just sort of like, ‘Oh, this will be fun for them, too, because even though they’re not coming to set, we’re practicing piano every day or we’re dancing or we’re singing,'” he said of the Academy Award-winning musical film.

“Their interest in Barbie and their disinterest in Ken was an inspiration. I thought they were already making little movies about their Barbies on the iPad when it happened, so the fact that I was going off to work to make one too, we just felt like we were aligned,” he added.

The actor also noted that having children made him “way more conscious of everything” he has done and what he might bring home to them in the future.

“I’m trying to just figure out who they are and be there for them in the way that I can,” he insisted. “They’re such clear and distinct personalities that it’s sort of becoming obvious,” adding, “You just want to be everything they deserve,”

Gosling and Mendes recently moved their family out of Los Angeles and now live away from the very city that gave him his stardom.

The pair have joined a growing number of celebrities to pack up and leave Hollywood behind for saner pastures.

Other stars who said goodbye include Mark Wahlberg, Sylvester Stallone, Rod Stewart, Scott Baio, Dean Cain, and Robert Davi.

These celebrities are fleeing a city — and a state — that has devolved into a quagmire of crime, confiscatory taxation, and a falling quality of life, problems that are even having serious impacts on the health, wealth, and safety of higher-income residents.

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