A failed glamour model who threatened to have an abortion to get onto a reality TV show has said the termination is off. Jodie Cunningham claimed to have been “threatened” by people on twitter and said attacks against her threat were motivated by “jealousy”.

Ms Cunningham stunned the world by claiming last week, that she planned to terminate her 18 week old baby because being pregnant might lead her to fail the audition process for the ‘Big Brother’ television show.

The 23 years olds comments led to outrage across the world. Much of this was directed at her personally via the social networking site twitter. 

After the wave of publicity she made an emotional plea for mercy saying: “I think I was just doing what I was so used to doing, which is putting on a brave face and soldiering on.

“It’s like for the past 10 years I have – well from being in school – I’ve had nothing but constant bullying, I mean people call me ugly… I’m not the shiniest apple on the tree, I am not the dullest either.

“I just think that a lot of the hate pointed towards me is jealousy. 

“As far as the hatred toward the abortion: I accept that some of that hate was, I’d say, deserved. But the death threats and things are out of order, seriously dudes I have kids.”

Cunningham is a regular tweeter, and her account even has topless photos of herself. The main profile picture has her nipples covered by an NHS logo. She used the NHS symbol because her breast enlargement was funded by the National Health Service at a cost of £5,000.

Shortly after the enlargement she demanded a reduction. On both occasions she argued that refusal to act would result in emotional damage to her. In the UK cosmetic surgery can be obtained on the taxpayer but only for diagnosable health reasons.

The problem for health bosses comes because the NHS does permit breast cancer victims to have implants after a mastectomy. This procedure is not strictly necessary physically but does help many patients avoid physiological problems.

Healthy women have used the rules to demand surgery where there is no physical necessity. Most of the requests are for enlargements.

The producers of Big Brother claimed to be “disgusted” by what Cunnigham said about her abortion. However they did not rule her out of the show for her comments. 

Cunningham’s latest comments came in a video produced by the Daily MirrorBreitbart Londonunderstands that the Police have no received any complaints of death threats from Cunningham.

Big Brother once occupied a prime time slot on the UK’s fourth most popular channel, however the channel dropped the show in 2011. In the end Channel5 commissioned it after Labour party donor, Richard Desmond bought the channel.