A mysterious army of ‘teenage girls’ has been causing waves by releasing ingeniously photo-shopped images of Ed Miliband’s face on the bodies of notable figures from fact and fiction.

Mildly entertaining though they are, they don’t seem to have had any impact on Miliband’s poll ratings, either personal or party – but they have thrown up some curious choices of characters as body donors for Ed’s facial graft.

Cold War warrior and super-spy James Bond may epitomise British cool and style, but his tireless efforts to protect Britain from Soviet influence and attempts to establish a new world order seems strangely at odds with Miliband’s Labour leadership (below left).

Although some Twitter users may find the idea of Ed Miliband driving a classic British car appealing, it is possible with his steering the Labour party back to its roots of nationalised industry and wealth redistribution, a more likely Fleming character could be KGB agent Rosa Klebb (above right).

Bond themed again, Miliband here defaces Daniel Craig (below left) apparently at ease with the ocean. Given Miliband’s difficulty completing day-to-day tasks such as drinking beer and eating bacon sandwiches, it has been observed he has more than a touch of the Kinnock about him (below right):

Known for his impressive facial hair and use of physical force to beat his opponents into submission, Hulk Hogan (below left) has nothing on the luxuriant moustache and horrific human rights record of brutal dictator Joseph Stalin (below right), to whom Miliband has been compared on a number of occasions.

Whether it was brutally stabbing his own brother in the back in a desperate power struggle, or his plans to forcibly seize land in a bid to part nationalise the building industry, Miliband’s unique blend of personality and left-wing politics means the comparison keeps coming back.

Which famous people from history or fiction would benefit best from Edification? Comment below the line…