Writing in the Times (of London) today, author and commentator Melanie Phillips highlighted the Breitbart News Network’s role in bringing the truth about the Cologne sex attacks to the global public in the face of an attempted cover up by the media and political classes.

In her piece entitled: “Let’s be honest about these immigrant attacks”, Ms. Phillips writes:

The West is refusing to accept the unpalatable truth behind the assaults on women in Germany

The nature and scale of what happened in German cities on New Year’s Eve has been an eye-opener. Hundreds of sexual assaults on women, including harassment, molestation and rapes, were reported to police in Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Munich and Düsseldorf. The women said the perpetrators were mostly Arab and north African migrants.

Even more remarkable has been the response. First, the German authorities misleadingly reported merely a small handful of attacks by German-speaking men with no evidence of immigrant involvement. Then social media, and the Breitbart news website, started to report the victims’ graphic testimony and a very different picture emerged. In Cologne women were sexually assaulted and both men and women robbed by a throng of migrants a thousand strong. The victims identified virtually all these attackers as of north African, Arab or “dark” appearance.

You can read the rest, here (£)

Breitbart London’s Oliver Lane is in Cologne where he will report live from the huge PEGIDA rally set to take place on Saturday, 9th January.

Editor in Chief of Breitbart London Raheem Kassam will feature on Breitbart News Saturday (radio) to talk about the ongoing crisis in Europe, and the “cover up” by the establishment.

You can listen to Mr. Kassam discuss the issue on the Sean Hannity radio show, below: