The mainstream media is misleading the public on the cause of the Orlando shootings and is trying to play down the fact the attacker was a Muslim, Breitbart London’s Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam has said.

Speaking on Breitbart News Daily this morning, Kassam said that the media are trying to spin that this was a “lone wolf” attack by an unbalanced individual while ignoring the Islamic beliefs of the attacker.

“The lone wolf idea keeps coming back,” Kassam said. “It keeps getting pushed out by the media – angry young men, lunatic, gun control.”

We should instead step back and take a look at what is going on: “Lone wolves in Paris, lone wolves in Brussels, lone wolves in New York, lone wolves in London – it doesn’t stop. This is not ‘lone wolfery’.

“These are organised, ideological attacks on the West and I’m afraid I can say with some confidence these attacks are not apolitical.”

Kassam drew a parallel with the San Bernardino attack, where Breitbart refused to toe the line on the media narrative and instead investigated the mosque the attackers attended. They found that they attended a mosque run by Tablighi Jamaat – a fundamentalist, proselytising Islamic sect known by some as the “Army of Darkness”.

They also found that the clerics at the mosque had had their lines “fed to them by CAIR [Council of American Islamic Relations]”.

“Minutes after the attack they already had the lines ready to go,” Kassam said. “It’s the same paragraphs from the Koran, the same repudiation of violent jihad – but actually when you look at what these groups are doing and whose defence they jump to, they are doing no such thing to tackle Islamism within their ranks.”

“I would go so far as to say they are complicit in attacks like these,” he added.

When you look at Omar Mateen, who attacked the Orlando gay club, you soon see that he was “obviously religious” and he had “obviously derived his hatred through his religious ideology”. He was also attending a Muslim Brotherhood mosque, Kassam said.

In fact, he added, nearly every mosque in the Unites States, unless it belongs to one of the small liberal-minded sects, is influenced by a fundamentalist group. American leaders had allowed this to happen by continually appeasing the Saudis.

Turning to the way the media has handled this latest attack, he agreed that it looks like both the traditional media and the new media such as Facebook are almost implementing Sharia blasphemy law.

“That was embodied no better than yesterday evening when on Sky News you had Owen Jones going on and on about how this wasn’t anything to do with Islam and it was simply to do with this man’s isolated homophobia.

“Well that homophobia doesn’t arise in a vacuum, it doesn’t come out of nowhere, it comes from the radical teachings that he’s been exposed to.”

Islamic State-style ideology is more prevalent in Muslim groups than many are reporting, Kassam added.

“When you look at San Bernardino, which is Tablighi Jamaat, and when you look at this guy, who I believe is Muslim Brotherhood orientated, this ISIS ideology doesn’t just affect one Muslim group, it actually affects most Muslim groups.”

Kassam also warned that the Orlando shooting was playing into the Brexit campaign going on in Britain right now. Speaking from Thanet in Kent, he said:

“People are on the streets talking about the terrorist attack and they fear that if we don’t leave the European Union our open borders will mean more of this on our soil.”