Left-wing extremists have put up chilling posters labelling an Alternative for Germany (AfD) member a “Nazi” and calling for action against her. Her address and photographs of her with her young daughter have been printed on the flyer.

In Wilhelmsburg around 100 posters have been put up with the title: “Warning: Racists in the area”. The posters name Nicole Jordan as AfD’s treasurer for Hamburg reading: “With this poster we inform you about the racist Nicole Jordan, who lives in our district”.

Ms. Jordan’s full address is printed on the posters along with a photograph of her with her husband and young daughter. In a group photograph containing the AfD member, left-wing extremists have marked Ms. Jordan with a circle around her face.

The AfD are a Eurosceptic party who have been critical of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door migration policy which saw more than a million migrants settle in Germany last year.

The posters carry a sinister message, calling for those who campaign for AfD and publicly represent their “inhuman policies” to be “held accountable”. In what could be interpreted as a call to violence, they urge readers to “stand against the societal leap to the right”. The posters are marked with a logo reading: “Antifascist Action”.

Ms. Jordan has removed posters she’s seen and reported them to the police, saying she finds it “outrageous” that extremists put a family photograph on the poster. The mother acknowledged that she felt “politically persecuted” but said she refused to be intimidated.

Noting that the AfD is a democratic party, and one which has been elected to parliament, Ms. Jordan stated that elections should accept everyone.

The AfD’s leader in Hamburg, Bernd Baumann, told the Hamburger Abendblatt that left-wing extremists incite hatred and violence against the party “practically every day”. The group’s chairman, Jörn Kruse, warned that ‘red-green’ (the coalition between the Social Democratic Party and the Green party) extremism poses a threat to democracy and exposes people to violence on the basis of their political affiliation. The AfD’s parliamentary secretary, Alexander Wolf likened the political environment to “Weimar conditions”, where “the law of the jungle dominated the political debate”.