No, I can’t believe it either.

Nor, I imagine, will anyone at Glastonbury festival — where I now am, surrounded by 100,000 muddy, rain-drenched hippies pinching themselves in appalled disbelief and hoping it’s just the drugs that have messed with their heads, not reality they’re experiencing right now.

I only wrote this piece as a stop gap. Just in case the polls were wrong and the markets were wrong. But I did so more in vain hope than expectation. How can the pollsters have got it so awry? They were quoting 8 to 1 against Brexit yesterday, for goodness sake.

Actually, I do have my suspicions as to the likely answer.

Firstly, God was definitely on Brexit’s side — which is why he arranged all those downpours in London (aka Remain Central) yesterday. He knew that Leavers would turn out come hell or high water whereas Remainers — being pampered, smug, and overconfident — would have decided not to bother.

Secondly, the public were persuaded by the Leave campaign’s joyously optimistic, positive message, which contrasted so markedly with Remain’s.

Thirdly, on this occasion democracy worked. The British people sensed the momentousness of the occasion — a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a real difference and shake the status quo by depriving the anti-democratic elite of their ill-gotten gains — and seized their chance.

I never thought this would happen.

Independence Day!

Suddenly Britain’s future looks so much brighter.

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