Raising the alarm over attacks on businesses in France, butchers have written to the government asking for protection in the face of increasing levels of “physical, verbal and moral violence” from militant vegans.

There are organisations and individuals seeking to “sow terror” in France, the French Confederation of Butchers, Delicatessens, and Caterers (CFBCT) warned, asserting that animal rights extremists “have only one purpose — to permanently eradicate the significant portion of French culture which is owed to our nation’s butchers, delicatessens, fishmongers, and cheesemakers”.

“Escalating violence” from campaigners who have shown that they are determined “to impose their lifestyle on the immense majority of people” in the last few months has caused the 18,000 businesses represented by the body to grow very concerned, CFBCT chief Jean-François Guihard said.

“We count on your services and on the support of the entire government,” he wrote to Interior Minister Gerard Collomb, stating that “the attacks on the industry which are currently underway are no more and no less than terrorism.”

In recent months, several butcher shops in the Haute-de-France region have been vandalised and their displays smeared with fake blood, while in April activists smashed the windows of butchers’ shop and a fishmongers, emblazoning on their facades slogans which demanded an “end to speciesism”.

At the end of March this year, a militant vegan was handed a prison sentence of seven months for “apology of terrorism” after she allegedly wrote of having “zero sympathy” for butcher Christian Medves, who was murdered in an Islamist terror attack.

“So then, you are shocked that a murderer is killed by a terrorist,” wrote vegan cheesemaker Myriam Jouglet to Facebook, as Breitbart London reported earlier this year. She said: “Not me. I’ve got zero compassion for him, there’s some justice in it.”

Earlier this month a statement was also issued by the Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (CPME) denouncing “extremist behaviour” from so-called anti-speciesism activists, who say they are opposed to the belief that there should be any kind hierarchy of animal species.