A Scottish teenager who was kicked out of class for asserting that there are only two genders has reportedly been suspended from school for three weeks.

The 17-year-old sparked a debate about free speech and Britain’s “progressive” education system last week after he shared a three-minute film of his teacher telling him that he could not say that there are only males and females because it was not “inclusive” to say so.

An education source told The Mail on Sunday that the young man had been suspended for breaching school policy by filming his teacher without his consent. According to friends, the Aberdeenshire teen said he covertly shot the film and shared it online to reveal the “dangerous” and unscientific indoctrination being presented to young and vulnerable children.

One pupil told the Sunday tabloid: “He decided to film the teacher because he wanted to show what was going on in schools today for simply stating there are only two genders. He has nothing against anyone who identifies as LGBTQ, but completely disagrees that there are more than two genders and that it’s a social construct.

“He believes telling kids that boys are girls and girls are boys is a very dangerous thing and wanted to get his views across to the teacher. His view is that scientifically there are only two genders. This new gender theory that there are unlimited genders is something that should be discussed and debated — not just thrown into a class discussion and if you disagree you get kicked out of the room.”

The incident reportedly began during a “personal and social education” lesson where the teacher found a website that listed two options for gender — male and female — which he allegedly called “old-fashioned”.

The young man disagreed, and was separated from his peers and reprimanded in a separate room.

The teacher claimed that whilst the boy was entitled to his “opinion” he could not share it at school, as maintaining that there are many genders was “national school authority policy”.

“I know what you think, and I know what the authority thinks, I know the authority’s point of view is very clear,” he declared.

An Aberdeenshire Council spokesman said that “in our schools, fostering good relations among different groups can be a real challenge but our aim is to support a fairer, inclusive environment for all,” and that it had a legal responsibility to show “due regard” to “protected characteristics” including “gender reassignment”.

Last year, Scotland’s education secretary proudly announced that the country had become the “the first… in the world to have LGBTI-inclusive education embedded within the curriculum”.

From 2020, all pupils from the age of four will be subjected to “relationship” lessons which could include classes about same-sex relationships.

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