A large group of young revellers took to the streets of Liverpool on the eve of strict lockdown measures being introduced in the city, as England braces for the possibility of a second national lockdown.

In a rebellious expression of defiance, crowds gathered in Liverpool city centre on Tuesday to dance and sing as the pubs closed for the last time before another lockdown is imposed.

On Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson unveiled a three-tier system for lockdowns across England, placing Liverpool under the strictest ‘Tier Three’ measures.

The lockdown will mean that businesses such as pubs, bars, gyms, betting shops, casinos, and others will be forced to close. People will also be banned from meeting with other households, and have been advised not to leave the city.

The crowds that poured on to the streets of Liverpool did so following the 10 pm curfew for pubs and bars, which was already in place before the additional lockdown measures were introduced, according to the Liverpool Echo.

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage said that the footage was a symbol that “Boris has lost control” of the lockdown.

The rebellious disregard of the China virus restrictions was hailed by anti-lockdown British businessman Simon Dolan, who said: “Liverpool. We salute you. Manchester. Over to you.”

Many more, however, shamed the youthful expression of freedom as “irresponsible” and “dangerous”, and dubbing the Liverpudlians as ‘#COVIDIOTS’ on Twitter.

On Tuesday, Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of Britain’s left-wing Labour Party, called on the government to introduce a two-to-three week national lockdown in England in response to rising cases of the Chinese coronavirus.

On Wednesday, Northern Ireland became the first country in the United Kingdom to reintroduce a national lockdown, shutting down schools for the next two weeks and shuttering all restaurants and pubs for the next month, except for takeaway service, the Belfast Telegraph reported.

Government sources have told The Telegraph, that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is contemplating a two-week national shut down of pubs, restaurants, and other businesses next week, should coronavirus cases continue to increase after the introduction of the three-tier system.

The government is also considering enacting regional ‘circuit breakers’, locking down locales where the virus is believed to be spreading.

The confusion over the government’s policy and the seemingly endless lockdown restrictions have become a source of frustration for British business owners, who are fearful about the future of their livelihoods.

Kate Stewart, who runs a pub in Liverpool, lamented that she is no longer in control of her own business, saying that business owners like herself do not see a “light at the end of the tunnel”.

In a message to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Stewart said on talkRadio: “You’re talking rubbish. We don’t get you… Make sure you know what you’re talking about before you say it to people.”

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