Brexit leader Nigel Farage has told disheartened American conservatives, “don’t get mad, get even” as he prepares to hit the grassroots campaign trail to re-energise the right next week.

Mr Farage announced earlier this week his America’s Comeback Tour with the FreedomWorks conservative activist organisation, where the Brexit leader will tour around a dozen states to speak to and inspire activists.

Speaking to Fox Business’s Varney & Co on Thursday, Mr Farage described that while “getting the vote out” and knocking on doors may be “the least glamorous side of politics”, it can return real results.

“You can increase a candidate’s vote share by about 20 per cent if you get it right,” Mr Farage told host Stuart Varney, “And the reason I’m doing it is because conservatives in America are feeling depressed, deflated, disillusioned by everything that’s going on” in regards to the Biden presidency and Donald Trump’s loss in the November elections.

Mr Farage reflected on the similar low spirits Brexiteers felt when after three years following the vote to leave the European Union, the UK was still in the bloc.

“In 2019, three years after the Brexit referendum, it hadn’t been delivered, it looked like it was lost and yet we were able to rally the grassroots,” Farage said.

The UK voted to leave the EU on June 23rd, 2016. But under the premiership of the remain-backing Prime Minister Theresa May, the legal process for leaving the EU was not begun until March 2017. While the UK was supposed to leave two years later, May delayed the exit twice to October 31st, 2019, because she could not pass her soft Brexit deal in the House of Commons. All the while, Remainers were pushing for a ‘confirmatory vote’ on the deal, which is a second referendum by any other definition.

Mrs May was eventually forced to resign, and while succeeded by Brexiteer Boris Johnson, the House of Commons’ Tory Party was stacked with Remainers and in collusion with the opposition forced another Brexit delay to January 31st, 2020, to stop a clean break from the EU.

Johnson called a snap election and in December 2019 won in a landslide, taking the UK officially out of the EU on January 31st, 2020. After an 11-month transition period, the UK left the bloc’s institutions on December 31st, 2020, days after a trade deal was provisionally signed by Brussels and London, which was finally ratified by the European Parliament this week.

Reflecting on the past five years in British politics, Mr Farage told Mr Varney: “We now got Brexit and it’s done. So don’t get mad, get even.”

On Wednesday, Mr Farage told listeners of Breitbart News Daily that they should learn from Brexit and the UK that the grassroots movement works, crediting the success of UKIP and The Brexit Party for pressuring the establishment to hold the vote on EU membership and to deliver the results of the referendum, predicting “when the history books are written they will say that the grassroots beat the establishment”.

“How do you think I felt, when I woke up on the 30th of March, 2019, the day after we were due to leave the European Union, yet we were still in and we had the mass ranks of the media, the Houses of Parliament, basically saying ‘we’ve made a mistake with the referendum?'” Farage told host and Breitbart News’s editor-in-chief Alex Marlow.

“But you know, we didn’t give up, we didn’t give up, we fought and we fought back and we beat them, we got Brexit, we are out.”

“So we’ve gone in the space exactly two years from feeling just like your feeling to achieving perhaps the biggest geopolitical change since the fall of the Berlin Wall,” he said, continuing: “We’ve done it, we succeeded and you can do it too.”