‘[Boris] Johnson neglected Covid due to working on Shakespeare biography claims ex-adviser Dominic Cummings’ says a headline in the Financial Times.

You don’t need to be Noam Chomsky to work out what the underlying narrative is here. Cummings is reminding us that Johnson is an incompetent, easily distracted, dilettantish buffoon quite unsuited to the job of Prime Minister.

I’m quite sure he’s right, but — and hear me out here — our sympathies on this occasion should all be with Johnson.

That’s because however useless Johnson is — and he is, totally — I can think of an even worse alternative: Michael Gove as Prime Minister and Cummings as his wicked henchman.

This, I’m convinced, is the plot currently being hatched by Gove and Cummings. Part of that plot will involve Cummings’s appearance (Wednesday) before the Health and Science select committee, in which he will no doubt be given vast amounts of space to rehearse his favourite theme: that the United Kingdom’s Covid response was a disaster because Boris Johnson didn’t introduce the lockdowns strictly enough or early enough.

Already, Cummings has been heavily flagging this line in an interminable Twitter thread (64 tweets so far and counting…), which might be summed up as ‘Why I was right all along and why Boris and everyone else not on my side is an idiot.’

Here is one that I think sums up the man and his position perfectly.

Reading between the lines of that tweet various things become clear. 1. Cummings does not believe in ‘herd immunity’. 2. He disagrees violently with the notion that masks are a ‘bad idea’. 3. He really can’t see any reason to be squeamish about disrupting people’s lives. 4. He disagrees that all lockdowns do is postpone the peak of an epidemic. 5. He thinks that anyone in government who promotes such dangerous ideas – the abovementioned Jenny Harries, for example – should be sacked, not promoted.


If ever you wanted more damning evidence that Cummings is one of the most dangerous figures in Westminster politics, you’d be hard pushed to beat that tweet. What it demonstrates is that Cummings is totally wedded to the globalist, technocratic, World-Economic-Forum endorsed narrative on Covid.

This is scary indeed because what it suggests is that the alternative to Boris Johnson’s fascistic health tyranny, waiting in the wings to take over just as soon as it gets a chance, is something even more fascistic than Boris Johnson’s fascistic health tyranny: one that will be headed by Michael Gove and run with ruthless, Cummings-like efficiency rather than in the haphazard Johnson style.

Here, to support this theory, are some worrying paragraphs from what looks like a well-informed article in the Daily Telegraph:

“No one that knows anything about Michael Gove trusts him,” said the former minister. “He is a shapeshifter. He backed Brexit, then all of a sudden he is against freedom and in favour of lockdown. Everything is just a performance because he keeps trying to reinvent himself.”

Mr Gove’s political enemies have also accused him of being a drag anchor on the easing of restrictions by constantly arguing for the toughest, longest lockdown measures.

Mr Cummings continued his quest to prove he and, by implication, Mr Gove, were right while everyone else was wrong as he tweeted out graphs and charts purporting to show that lives would have been saved if only people had done what he said.


“What you have to realise is that they both think exactly the same way, and they have known each other for so long, since Cummings worked for Gove at the Department for Education, that Cummings knows what Gove’s position is on any one topic.

“It’s like Dom bulldozes a path and then Michael follows in his ministerial car – they’re both on the same road, even if they’re not in the same vehicle.”

Yes, I’m aware that I’m partly responsible for this problem. Over the years I have written numerous articles defending my old friend Michael Gove against the charge that he is a devious snake in thrall to the green/globalist agenda. I also used to be a big fan of Dominic Cummings, having credited him as the man who masterminded Brexit (which at the time struck me as important, but which I now realise was just a sop tossed to the electorate to give them the delusion that they still had an element of control over their democratic future).

Now I know how Dr Frankenstein felt after the monster he created went on the rampage.

The United Kingdom, I believe, is already ruined beyond redemption. But if Gove gets his way and Cummings is allowed back anywhere near the corridors of power, it will just pour petrol on the flames.