#NotInTheMood is trending on UK Twitter. And understandably so. “Not in the mood” was the truly nauseating phrase used by the Deputy Speaker in parliament in order laughingly to explain why our elected representatives could scarcely be bothered to vote on some of the most dangerous legislation in British parliamentary history.

The Coronavirus Act gives the Boris Johnson regime sweeping powers to do whatever the hell it likes under the pretext that Britain is experiencing a health crisis so catastrophic it justifies government by fiat.

Yesterday, MPs had the opportunity to end this abuse of state power by voting against yet another six-month extension of the Coronavirus Act.

Instead, the majority of MPs seem to treat this almost unprecedented erosion of liberty as one massive joke.

Leading the laughter was Madam Deputy Speaker (Labour MP Dame Rosie Winterton)

As if she were sharing some massive in-joke with fellow conspirators she leaned confidingly forward and said, smiling:

‘The mood of the House is not to have a vote on this…’

The House responded with gales of laughter.

Why? What is so funny about not doing your job? (A job, which let us not forget, they are paid £81,000 a year, plus generous expenses, plus ring-fenced pension).

And where do they think that this massive and unchecked expansion of the powers of the state is leading us?

Do these buffoons imagine that because they are MPs they are and their families will somehow be protected from the tyranny they are helping to usher in?

If they do, there’s a lovely bridge in Westminster, right next to Parliament, which I would more than happily sell them for an excellent price.