Christians can and should successfully trump the tactics that gay activist groups have used to win concessions and benefits from retailers, airlines and hotels chains, says Chris Stone, the founder of Faith Driven Consumer.

“When you have the voice of 41 million people speaking out and being heard, it is going to create change,” Stone tells Breitbart News.

His group wants major firms to recognize Christian consumers, and then modify their marketing, advertising, and management policies in ways that benefit Christians and the companies. “Currently, we’re marginalized and underrepresented,” he said. “Shame on us we have not asked in a logical and thoughtful way to achieve a level of parity” with other pressure groups, he said.

Companies executives say they cooperate with gay advocacy groups as part of the companies’ endorsement of “diversity,” said Stone. So “we’re not taking a position of ‘It is us or them’ – we’re taking a position to establish faith-driven consumers as the next color in the [company-touted idea of ‘diversity’] rainbow,” said Stone.

The same tactic has already been used against Hollywood, which has responded by producing more family-friendly movies, in addition to the usual mush, gore, slaughter and raunch.

Prior to the Christmas shopping season, Faith Drive Consumer has drawn up its own formula to gauge companies’ support for Christian buyers, and has posted the results.


His group is not trying to boycott the low-ranking vendors — he’s urging American Christians to favor companies that favor them. “We’re not about boycotts, we’re about ‘Buycotts,’” said Stone, who founded the group in 2011.

Buycott is a relatively new term. The “Boycott” term was created in Ireland in the 1880 to isolate and undermine Charles Boycott, the manager for a unpopular absent landlord. “Buycott,” in contrast, applies to groups that sympathize with and support and vendors and people who support the buyers.

Christians “are looking for brands that are more compatible” with their beliefs, Stone said. “They feel they are as important as the other groups,” he added.