Celebrated evangelical leader Franklin Graham has publicly thanked Donald Trump and Mike Pence for “all they did to make the Supreme Court decision ending Roe v. Wade possible.”

In a Facebook post this weekend, Rev. Graham said that the Trump presidency “was the most pro-life administration in my lifetime!”, adding that his appointment of conservative judges across this country “will have an impact for years to come.”

In his post, Graham appends a Politico article noting that Trump gave credit to God for the recent ruling when asked about his own role in bringing about the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

“God made the decision,” Trump said. “This brings everything back to the states where it has always belonged.”

File/Participants ride a farm tractor during the Washington Prayer March 2020 led by Evangelist Franklin Graham on September 26, 2020 in Washington, DC. The congregation stopped and prayed over various sites throughout downtown Washington. (Michael A. McCoy/Getty Images)

“This is following the Constitution, and giving rights back when they should have been given long ago,” Trump added.

“I appreciate that when asked about Roe v. Wade being overturned, President Trump gave God the credit,” Graham told his 10 million Facebook followers. “Millions of people have prayed for this, and we thank God.”

Graham expressed similar views in an appearance on Newsmax TV’s “The Record” last Friday.

“I’m just so thankful for President Trump and Vice President Pence, former Vice President Pence, for the nomination of conservative justices to the Supreme Court. It’s the right decision,” Graham said. “When you think of 60 million, over 60 million lives have been terminated since Roe versus Wade — this is a genocide against the unborn.”