Fernando Montes de Oca narrowly escaped a house fire in his Texas home thanks to his four-legged friend Rocky.

Rocky, a three-year-old bull terrier mix, is the reason Montes de Oca is alive today, because of his life-saving bark.

Montes de Oca fell asleep on the couch in his detached garage when he heard Rocky barking loudly around 2:00 a.m.

“I thought I was dreaming. I woke up, and all I could see was flames,” he told WFAA.

Nobody else was around, and his garage was engulfed in flames. He was able to escape in time to get alive, but not without suffering deep second-degree burns to his hand that he used to push the door open.

“My sisters and my dad tell me, ‘God gave you a second chance, dude. I don’t know how you made it out of there’,” Montes de Oca recalled.

Rocky was rewarded with a big T-bone steak for his life-saving actions.

Rocky, the bull terrier, is not the only dog to save his owner’s life.

In October 2019, a dog saved a veteran owner’s life by waking him during a house fire. And in September 2020, a Great Dane rescued a family of four from a house fire.