Hollywood producers invited three old men to dance with women — but the “women” turned out to be “drag queen” men dressed as mimics of women.

Two of the old men played their assigned roles in the woke set-up, but one man dismissed the patronizing set-up and walked off-camera. “No touching … I’m a man of God, I can’t do this,” said Isaac as he walked off the set. Isaac was polite towards the other men even as he rejected the progressive claim that transgender men really are women. Isaac told the camera after the set-up was over:

I love those people. I pray for them. I will never do anything to hurt them or condemn them. But men are not supposed to dress like women. I’m not gonna go along with that. It’s time to stand up and be a man of God.

“I was very turned off. But I wanted to use the wisdom of God to my approach. So I prayed about it. The Holy Spirit said I want you to stand up and be strong” he said.

The producers then showed one of the pink face men dismissing his mainstream views with schoolyard taunts:

He brought up the religion like “I’m a man of God” thing. I’m from the South and I grew up with you know homophobia, racism, like all that, being non-binary, trans, black, all that. No one was being inappropriate towards him. So for him to act like is kind of like, you need to grow up.

The transgender ideology is deeply unpopular because it seeks to suppress civic and legal distinctions between men and women, and boys and girls. The suppression would create many opportunities for government officials and their political allies to manage the resulting civic conflicts and personal damage for their economic and political advantage.

The other two “grandpas” played their assigned parts in the woke joke.

“Hey, no problem, I can work with that. I’ve worked with different types of people like that before,” said one white-haired man when introduced to the ex-men.

When Isaac quit, the white-haired man welcomed his transgender dance partner, saying, “You can be with me — I take on two anytime, pal.”

“Pal” is a word used to refer to men.

He later rationalized his participation in the woke set-up:

I walk into a room and the [transgender men] go,”Old guy conservative” and so they had put you in a box. So I just do the best I can and hope hopefully that’s good enough.

The Hollywood producers explained the political set-up, which was produced in 2019:

Participant ​​combines the power of a good story well told with real world impact and awareness around today’s most vital issues. As the leading media company dedicated to entertainment that inspires audiences to engage in positive social change. [Emphasis added] Participant has produced more than 100 feature and documentary films and episodic series that collectively have earned 82 Academy Award® nominations and 21 wins and have highlighted some of the most pressing issues of our time, including “Spotlight,” “Contagion,” “Lincoln,” “Roma,” “American Factory,” “Food, Inc.,” “RBG,” “An Inconvenient Truth,” “America to Me,” and “When They See Us.”

Watch the whole thing here:

The show was developed by Kenzie Woodrow.

WATCH: James Lindsay: Drag Queens Are Filling the Vacuum of Male Role Models: