This is an “incredibly historic moment for all of us. Next year, after 20 years of our agony, Barbara Boxer is going to retire,” U.S. Senate candidate Tom Del Beccaro told the San Diego County Republican Party June meeting last week.

“We need to give voters a choice. We don’t need to run as Democrats. We don’t need to run saying we need to be loved….At the end of the day, minority parties become the majority party when they offer a better alternative.”

Del Beccaro stressed economic growth as the key to fighting poverty in California. He also announced the appointment Stephen Moore of The Heritage Foundation as economic advisor to his Senate campaign.

As for the state’s water crisis, Del Beccaro said: “I’m here to tell you that there’s enough water that falls in this state for us not to be in this crisis.”

We don’t have a train crisis, Del Beccaro joked, referring to the California High-Speed Rail project. “You laugh, but [we] spend seven times the amount on the train than new water storage. And Jerry Brown stood up there and said you must give up your front yard in all his arrogance.”

Breitbart News later caught up Del Beccaro, and he offered an insight into the state of his campaign. “The initial focus in the campaign has been on policy and listening to voters and I’m very encouraged by the number of people we have met on all sides of the aisle that want a solution to the water crisis. That has increased my resolve to provide solutions and to win this race,” he said.

“I have attended or spoken at dozens of events over the years in San Diego,” he added. “San Diego is one of the best run volunteer/county parties in the country and once again I was more than heartened by the amount of support I received when I was there.”

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