Another shark encounter took place in California this Sunday when a Garden Grove father and daughter duo, who were fishing for yellowtail off the coast of Sunset Beach, encountered a 10-foot hammerhead shark.

“Wow” was the word Orlando Cosme used to describe the experience, according to local ABC News affiliate KABC. Cosme and his 14-year-old daughter had reportedly snagged the shark with their line after Robert Wagner, who owns Wagner Charters, decided to throw a ball of chum into the waters to attract fish.

They wound up catching much more than they had bargained for, with Wagner and Cosme reportedly wrestling the shark for several minutes.

The encounter was captured on camera and posted to social media, KABC notes.

On Saturday, a kayaker suffered a deep bite on his foot from a Hammerhead off the coast of Malibu, where he and his friend were also fishing for Yellowtail.

Yellowtail nigiri from last night at Bang! Bang!

— BurritoBanger (@sabbyJJ) September 5, 2015

Though shark attacks in California have generally been on the wane since the 1950s, shark sightings in Southern California have become more frequent, particularly over the past two years.

The warmer waters have deterred the sharks from migrating south towards Hawaii as they ordinarily do during the spring and summer months, which is why they are being seen so often off the Golden State’s southern coast.

Photo: file

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