About a dozen demonstrators, some of them armed with guns, stood outside of convicted Stanford rapist Brock Turner’s family home in Ohio on Saturday carrying signs condemning his release just one day after he was freed from serving three of his six months’ sentence in a Santa Clara County jail.

Turner, 21, will be living with his parents in Sugarcreek Township.

Protesters reportedly held up signs which read “castrate rapists,” among others. “Shoot your local rapist” was written in chalk across the sidewalk, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

One man held up a sign which read “If I rape Brock will I only do 3 months” with a machine gun around his neck and two handguns in a holster on both of his sides. A tweet showing the image has received 90,000 retweets so far.

Several other people also had guns in tow. Ohio has open carry laws and does not require a state permit or license to purchase a handgun, rifle, or shotgun.

Open carry protesters also sent their message loud and clear:

Someone suggested Turner be dropped into the middle of the ocean:

A photo series depicting rape was also created in response to Turner’s release:

Last week, Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer told local WHIO and the Dayton Daily News, “We’re not treating him with kid gloves. We’re going to treat him like every other sex offender that comes through the doors.”

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky, who handed down Turner’s “light” sentencing, has faced unrelenting criticism as well. He voluntarily asked to be moved from hearing criminal cases in Palo Alto to civil cases at the Old Courthouse near St. James Park in downtown San Jose on September 6. Although presiding Judge Rise Pichon did not have any plans to move Persky out of Palo Alto, she honored his request.
Turner will reportedly remain on probation for three years and must register as a sex offender in Greene County Sheriff’s Office within five days.
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