An Idaho Secret Santa surprised a woman whose mother and husband died within the past few months with a gravestone for her husband, $2,000 in groceries, and a $5,000 check.

Lucy Galaviz quit her job to take care of her mother, who was fighting cancer. During her mother’s final days, Galaviz’s husband caught the coronavirus and had to be hospitalized, East Idaho News reported.

Galaviz’s mother lost her battle with cancer in October and died. While she was attempting to make funeral arrangements to bring her mother to Mexico, her husband needed to be placed on a ventilator to save his organs.

Once those funeral arrangements were finalized, Galaviz was unsure of whether to leave her husband to accompany her relatives to say their last goodbyes to their mother.

While in Mexico, Galaviz received a call saying that her husband was not doing well. She immediately headed back to Idaho, but her husband died before she could arrive.

So the Idaho Secret Santa, who has been traversing around East Idaho, decided to surprise Galaviz at her home by sending Nate Eaton of East Idaho News to deliver her gifts.

“Who is this from?” Galaviz asked in Spanish. Eaton replied, “It’s from Secret Santa. It’s a secret.”

“I don’t know how to say thank you, let them know I appreciate it,” she responded through a translator.

Galaviz was not the only one who lost a loved one to be touched by Secret Santa’s generosity this year. The Baker family, who lost their son at age ten, received a gravestone for their son and $5,000 for his funeral expenses from Secret Santa.