A three-year-old boy saved his money to buy pizza for two separate Georgia law enforcement agencies.

Alex Bond saved his birthday money, Christmas money, and his allowance since October 2020 so he could buy enough pizzas to feed first responders in Georgia, WGXA reported.

He first visited the City of Griffin’s police department to deliver the special treat.

But Alex did not stop there. He also stopped by the Spalding County Sheriff’s Office to give them pizza as well.

“Alex-when you are old enough, we look forward to pinning the badge of the Spalding County Sheriff’s Office on your uniform!” the sheriff’s office said in response:

Recently, three-year old Alex Bond visited the Sheriff’s Office. We love visitors, but this visitor had a special…

Posted by Spalding County Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Alex is not the only one to give away pizza to those on the frontlines. A Connecticut pizza shop pitched in to help feed the doctors and nurses fighting the coronavirus pandemic last year.

There was even one instance where the police returned the favor to the community. A team of three police organizations in New Jersey purchased 300 pizzas for their community during the state’s statewide stay-at-home order last year.