PHILADELPHIA – An article published over the weekend by the Economist warns that an America governed by “wall-builders” will be “poorer and more dangerous,” while urging Republicans to support Hillary Clinton instead of Donald Trump, who, the magazine claims, has “sucked confidence out of global institutions.”

Unmentioned in the article is that the Economist Group, which owns the controlling stake in the magazine, is partially owned by the famous Rothschild family.  Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild (pictured) also sits on the Economist Group’s board. She is a top Clinton supporter, donor, and fundraiser, and has done work with the Clinton Foundation and donated to the foundation.

De Rothschild is such a staunch Clinton supporter she became a “PUMA” (“Party Unity My Ass”) activist after Clinton lost the Democratic primary to Barack Obama and she supported John McCain in protest.

The latest Economist attack on Trump came in the form of an article published on Saturday titled, “The new political divide: Farewell, left versus right. The contest that matters now is open against closed.”

The piece cautions readers to “start by remembering what is at stake.”

“The multilateral system of institutions, rules, and alliances, led by America, has underpinned global prosperity for seven decades,” it reads.

Referring to Trump, the magazine warns, “A world of wall-builders would be poorer and more dangerous. If Europe splits into squabbling pieces and America retreats into an isolationist crouch, less benign powers will fill the vacuum.”

The publication continues:

Mr. Trump has sucked confidence out of global institutions as his casinos suck cash out of punters’ pockets. With a prospective president of the world’s largest economy threatening to block new trade deals, scrap existing ones, and stomp out of the World Trade Organisation if he doesn’t get his way, no firm that trades abroad can approach 2017 with equanimity. …

In America, where the most is at stake, the answer must come from within the existing party structure. Republicans who are serious about resisting the anti-globalists should hold their noses and support Mrs. Clinton. And Mrs. Clinton herself, now that she has won the nomination, must champion openness clearly, rather than equivocating. Her choice of Tim Kaine, a Spanish-speaking globalist, as her running-mate is a good sign. But the polls are worryingly close. The future of the liberal world order depends on whether she succeeds.

The Economist and its subsidiaries have repeatedly warned against a Trump presidency.

In her speeches, Clinton has often repeated a claim from a British research organization that ranked Trump as the third greatest threat to the global economy. Clinton did not tell her audiences that the firm in question – the Economist Intelligence Unit – is a division of the Economist Group, led by the pro-Hillary activist De Rothschild.

The Economist‘s Intelligence Unit’s assessment made headlines in June. It reportedly marked the first time the firm rated a U.S. presidential candidate’s election as a global risk.

The Rothschilds, led by de Rothschild, have long been shareholders in the Economist Group. In 2015, they reportedly purchased a 21 percent controlling stake.

De Rothschild has held numerous fundraisers for Clinton in her homes.

In 2015, she traveled with Bill and Chelsea Clinton to visit five of the Clinton Foundation’s initiatives in Africa. She is a Clinton Foundation donor.

Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.

With research by Joshua Klein.