The Jerusalem Post reports: A Palestinian youth was killed on Tuesday and dozens of rioters were injured during violent clashes with the IDF at the Fawwar refugee camp outside of Hebron, the Palestinian Health Ministry said.

The dead youth was named Mohammed abu Hashhash, according to Hebron hospital official Walid Zaloum, who said the teenager was killed by a bullet that entered through his back and struck above his heart. The Palestinian Health Ministry said he was 17 years old.

The IDF said its troops entered Fawwar to search for suspects and weapons and were attacked by local youths who threw concrete blocks, rocks and home-made explosives at them. Soldiers responded with small-caliber live fire, rubber bullets and tear gas.

“Riots erupted and dozens of Palestinians hurled [home made explosives], blocks and rocks at the forces,” an army spokeswoman said. “[They] responded with riot dispersal means and fired 0.22 caliber bullets towards main instigators.” She added that the IDF confiscated two pistols, a commando knife, stun grenades and bullets.

The operation, she said, was part of the army’s ongoing efforts to quell terrorism in Judea and Samaria.

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