TEL AVIV – Security forces on Wednesday demolished the family home of a 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist who stabbed three Israelis in the West Bank community of Halamish in July while they were eating Shabbat dinner in their home.

Omar al-Abed infiltrated the settlement and entered the home of the Salomon family, who were celebrating the birth of a new grandson and opened the door to the terrorist, thinking he was a guest. He stabbed and killed a grandfather and his two adult children.

The IDF razed the Abed home in the West Bank village of Kobar early Wednesday morning as local Palestinians rioted in the streets. Immediate family members and an uncle are facing charges for failing to prevent the attack. Several relatives have already confessed to investigators that they were aware of Omar’s plan in advance.

Shortly after the attack, the terrorist’s mother was arrested for “aggravated incitement” after expressing joy and pride over her son in a video that went viral on Arab social media that also showed her handing out celebratory sweets to guests at her home. Omar’s father, Abed Aljaleel, said the “occupation” was to blame for his son’s actions. As Breitbart Jerusalem reported at the time, Palestinians from all over the world praised the attack.

The terrorist himself told investigators that he stabbed the Jewish family to “avenge” the Temple Mount, which at the time was embroiled in a crisis after Israel installed metal detectors at the holy site following another terror attack there that saw two Israeli police officers killed. The attack came after Palestinian leaders urged Muslims to take to the streets for a “Day of Rage” with violent clashes erupting in the Old City of Jerusalem and the West Bank.

“Their home can be rebuilt, but my home has been destroyed forever,” Michal Salomon, the widow of Elad Salomon who was killed in the terror attack, said in a statement. Following IDF home demolitions, Palestinians donate to a special fund set up to enable the family of terrorists to build new homes.

“The death penalty is needed so these terrorists will not be able to build a new home,” she added.