The Algemeiner reports: –  The Palestinian Authority (PA) has denied reports that PA President Mahmoud Abbas was presented with an ultimatum by Saudi Arabia to accept a peace deal outlined by the Trump administration or to resign from his position.

In addition to the Saudi demand to “accept Trump’s peace plan or quit,” Abbas was also told that he and other Fatah party officials must distance themselves from Iran and its Lebanese terror proxy Hezbollah, Israel’s Channel 10 reported.

“We completely reject the Israeli report. This is not true at all. Abbas’ meeting in Saudi Arabia was a positive one,” a Fatah spokesman, Osama Qawasmeh, told Al Jazeera. “The Saudis expressed support for the Palestinian position, which is a two-state solution built on the June 1967 borders, in line with international law. They also expressed support for the Palestinian reconciliation. Our position and the Saudi position are aligned,” he said.

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