
Lebanese Christian MP Warns Islamic Hezbollah Terror Group: ‘We Can Mobilize 20,000 Fighters’

The Iran-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah is dragging Lebanon into a war with Israel at Tehran’s behest, according to Lebanese Christian Maronite MP Camille Dory Chamoun, who declared that three-quarters of Lebanese people oppose Hezbollah, and that Sunnis, Druze, and Christians will unite to act in defense of Lebanon’s interests against Hezbollah’s actions, and can even mobilize 20,000 fighters to do so if necessary.

Lebanese lawmaker Camille Chamoun arrives to attends a parliament session at the parliamen

IDF Approves Plans for ‘Offensive in Lebanon’

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has officially approved plans for an “offensive in Lebanon” against Hezbollah, the Iran-backed terror group illegally occupying southern Lebanon that has been firing at northern Israel since October.

Joel Pollak/Breitbart News

Exclusive: Israel Heritage Foundation Leads Historic Mission to Israel with High-Level U.S. Delegation

The Israel Heritage Foundation led a historic mission to Israel with a high-level U.S. delegation to express solidarity with the Jewish state and its residents, as well as to gain a firsthand understanding of Israel’s existential struggle, meeting with prominent Israeli policymakers and visiting key sites, including the “Ground Zero” of Hamas’s October 7 massacre.

Site of the Nova festival in Israel seven months after the Hamas attack