Now don’t get me wrong! I’m aware of my knee-jerk reactions to almost anything coming out of the Washington Post or the New York Times. I usually say to myself, “I told you so.”

But this new series?!

Investigative reports on “a-hidden-world-growing-beyond-control” certainly means that the Washington Post doesn’t know enough about what is generally accepted as “Top Secret”.

“Beyond control” to the Washington Post clearly means beyond the micro-management of President Barack Hussein Obama.

Keeping any major world newspaper out of the heart of the Central Intelligence Agency and, apparently, the other, exponentially growing arms of the American intelligence universe might seem to be a very normal, CIA priority.

That, of course, in the eyes of the Washington Post, makes the CIA an enemy, a far greater enemy than Islamic Jihadists or, rather, those “contingency operations” off in distant, but apparently less threatening corners of the world.

Now, in light of the Obama Nation’s prosecutorial threats against America’s secret services and particularly their handling of Islamic Jihadists, the Washington Post’s promised campaign against the American Intelligence Service, its series on “Top Secret America” might have its own, “Top Secret” link directly to the Oval Office.

Why is the Obama Nation calling out its propaganda dog to attack the very arm, albeit the obligatorily expensive arm of national defense following 9/11?

In a money-strapped America, The Washington Post’s advertising “hook”, of course, is not the Obama Nation’s and Eric Holder’s well-known war against the secret service. Their “hook” is just how much money it is costing to save financially strapped Americans from a rather consistent series of “incidents” at their airport in Detroit, the major city of New York, and even their own military base in Texas.

Somehow, when the Washington Post was mainly attacking the President Bush policies about everything, the equally expensive intelligence community was doing its job efficiently enough to keep America safe from the kind of attacks she has been receiving under the Obama Nation in Detroit, New York and Texas.

It’s really bold or desperate of the Washington Post to pore its own money and reputation into a series about waste in the American secret service when Americans could care less about that expense, particularly when the United States is suffering the Obama Era’s intelligence “oversights” in Detroit, New York and Texas.

How does the Obama Nation’s Chronically Inefficient Security Measures fit in with that administration’s propaganda arm, the Washington Post, and its recent Cri de Coeur, Progressively Paranoid investigative series, A Hidden World Growing Beyond Control?

Neither the President nor the editorial policies of the Washington Post admire American defense systems. Perhaps they even enjoy seeing them fail.

Try this on Post Traumatic Stress.

The Obamas are too busy with The Medvedevs?

I see a full, Progressive Court Press, right down the line, with Obama calling the plays and the Washington Post, thank God, giving away the strategy!

That is, to shore up the President’s increasingly doubtful, Far Left constituency.

However, and as Fidel Castro has predicted, the President may very well attack Iran.

Notice how the retired Dictator requested that his audience think up plans for a post-war, nuclear-infected world. Our President Obama or The One wants it both ways because he, as the leader of the Progressive New World Order, can have it both ways. The President will protect America from foreign threats but he doesn’t really want to keep America safe domestically. Why?

How can President Obama possibly effect the fundamental transformation of the United States without some revolutionary eruptions?

Further weakening the CIA would, of course, be a great boon to aiding and abetting foreign infiltration for the sake of revolutionary eruptions, historical events that are intended to help fundamentally transform the United States of America.

Are the Washington Post’s assaults on American Secret Service any surprise?

They are a grossly predictable part of the Obama Game Plan.

Please gaze at this insightful revelation about Communism’s true intent.

What is our enemy’s first priority?

As the profoundly informed Yuri Bezmenov says, “Ideological subversion … to change the (American) perception of reality. No one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves … and their community.”

Weakening America’s defense system in any way possible.

If Al Gore can receive a Nobel Prize for Global Warming threats, what does it really mean to have a Pulitzer Prize winner warning us about the “uncontrollable dangers” of the American Secret Service?

It means a consistent policy among the enlightened despots of the Progressive New World Order to erode and destabilize America’s entire defense system and the psychology of most Americans, leading them to distrust their own military and CIA.

Perhaps the CIA is not cooperating fully enough with the demands of the POTUS.

Up the pressure on the CIA.

Call in the Washington Post!