Apparently both Red China and North Korea appear to be – and I stress the word appear – as unreasonable with President Obama as Obama has become blatantly unreasonable with the American people. Some might call it, in the case of both Red China and President Obama, “protectionism”.

I call it, again in both cases, Irrepressibly Communist Policy, ICP … or

Gideon Rachman of Financial Times:

So it is ominous, not just for business but for international politics, that corporate America is showing increasing signs of disillusionment with China.

Hmmm … are there common origins for America’s similarly increasing disillusionment with President Obama?

What’s most interesting is the list of Corporate giants involved. One of them, General Electric and its CEO, Jeffrey Immelt, had been a prominent supporter of Barack Obama’s election campaign … but then, well, moderateinthemiddle said it best.

Obviously the honeymoon is over.

Mr. Rachman again:

When Google, Goldman Sachs, and GE all run into difficulties simultaneously, it seems clear that a bigger trend is at work. Privately, senior US officials have been worrying for some time that Chinese trade and economic policy is taking a more nationalist direction that is penalising US companies. They worry that, after 30 years of strong economic growth, China believes it can now afford to take a less welcoming attitude to foreign investment, and instead concentrate on promoting national champions.

How’s that Progressive Capitalist/Communist Merger working out for you now?

To look down on America, as President Obama has, with patronizing disdain, is done so at the elitist’s everlasting peril.

The Unholy Trinity of George Soros, Barack Hussein Obama and Oprah Winfrey have held revolutionary contempt, secretly and otherwise, for America. The three of them maintain both open and veiled versions of that contempt in spite of all America has done for them.

This Unholy Trinity’s predecessors, who have held the same disdain in the more smiling and veiled Oprah Winfrey fashion, are, like Bill and Hillary Clinton, now sitting in the pecking level just below The Unholy Trinity.

The Expected Schism in the Democratic and therefore the intensely Progressive, Worldwide, Community Organizing, Political Party, that incipient split between the Obamas and the Clintons – can it be avoided?

It won’t happen if the President can inspire some form of national emergency to postpone elections with. Something like the Clinton Administration’s Oklahoma City Bombing perhaps. That tragedy did happen on the Clinton Watch and helped lift their approval ratings to over 60 %.

If such a national nightmare doesn’t happen before November, the Progressives could lose their majority in Congress.

That’s what happened in 1994 to the Clintons after the Waco, Texas Siege of 1993. That Federal neglect … as versus criminal neglect … of American citizens dropped the Clintons into cliff-hanging approval ratings.

If some national disaster doesn’t occur before November, 2012? That is, if the Republicans can’t be blamed for an Oklahoma City Bombing again–or martial law declared–it’s Bye-Bye Obama!

The Progressives don’t want that to happen anymore than they wanted John F. Kennedy to pull America out of the growing War in Vietnam.

Remember that 1968 Democratic Convention? In Barack Obama’s Chicago, no less!

Hubert Humphrey was going to stick it out in Vietnam, right? Despite all those protests?!

Let’s just hope the Republicans don’t have another Nixon running for President in 2012. We’d all know that a vote for Obama would be a vote for suicide, but with another Nixon on the horizon, suicide might look like a far less disgusting alternative.

A quick death versus four more years of Progressive Treason?!

Tough call.

Gimme Palin and West … or West and Palin!

Sarah and Allen … or Allen and Sarah!!

They can work out their own billing together.

Between Mamma Grizzly and the Colonel, America would, indeed, get back on track.

That’s the ticket.

Anything less … and … well … the Progressives would find another snake pit to nest in.

With eight to 16 years of Palin/West/West/Palin?!

The Book of Revelations would have completed its drama and the Progressive Movement would not be able to lift its head again on Earth for at least 1,000 years.

How’s that as a “consummation devoutly to be wished” for your children and their husbands and wives and their children … and their children’s children … and so on … for a thousand years?

Heaven on earth.

That’s what that is.

Heaven on earth.