Person of the Year: The NAVY SEALS!!! – and our intelligence personnel who make what they do possible. Rock on!

“The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday”

Commenter of the Year: Cowboy Logic – for all his brilliance.

Talk Show Host of the Year: Mark Levin, a TRUE Constitutionalist – both for leading the legal charge against Obamacare and the Holder “Justice” Department’s assault on Arizona, and for standing up to vile individuals of all kinds (take a look at some of the attacks on him to see what I’m talking about).

Talk Show Call Screener of the Year: Bo Snerdly – anyone who has ever called Rush knows why.

Rush and Snerdley

Breitbart Reporter/Blogger of the Year: Our very own Peter Schweizer, who can edit an awesome website AND write a blockbuster work of investigative reporting at the same time.

Non-Breitbart Reporter/Blogger of the Year: Michael Ledeen – the Reaganite Freedom Fighter and PJMedia’s ever vigilant watcher of the enemy, dedicated to bringing us the inside story about the closed, evil tyrannies who wish us harm.

“Occupy” Buster of the Year: Breitbart, of course – and Rebel Pundit, who would catch them in action.

Favorite Foreigner of the Year: I don’t know about any of you, but MY favorite was Jordan Carver – the German “(Pro-) American Beauty” I got to interview. She’s just so awesome, it’s hard not to like her as much as she likes us! See her view of America when she was growing up: “As a child I didn’t know that much about the United States – the only thing I knew was what the characters from the Disney movies said about life in a country called America. Later I knew things about the USA because of the TV shows like 21 jump street or Beverly Hills 90210. In the bottom line everything from America seemed to be so cool for me! ( LA GEAR shoes!!! )”

“The United States might be cause for content of countless discussions… Overall this country is still the No. 1 offering unlimited opportunities for everyone who is looking for a career.”

Had to ask:

BP: Since it is COMPLETELY OBVIOUS that American men are the best in the world – what are the top ways we beat our international competition?

JC: Lol Yes – FOR SURE American men are OBVIOUSLY the best ;)

In fact there is one thing that’s different – their attitude. Compared to other men I met so far I like the “yes I can” mentality. I like if someone is taking action and is proud about doing it. Maybe this is because of their education, patriotism and independence. This is unique in the international competition.

And the Personal Honor of the Year: Getting the chance to communicate with Ion Mihai Pacepa, a hero of mine and the holder of invaluable secrets – and having conversations with Walter E. Williams, who deserves to be the TRUE leader of the libertarian movement.

I want to thank all of them for making this such an extraordinary year – and to thank all those who follow Big Peace, because none of this would be possible without you.
