So much for President Obama making it safer for Americans.

Americans were once again given a stern and ominous warning to stay “vigilant” to the threat of terrorist attacks leading up to July Fourth festivities. This warning comes after the recent radical Islamic terrorist attacks overseas in Kuwait, France, and Tunisia were carried out, as well as continued Islamist threats against the U.S.

There are apparently thousands of radicalized Muslims currently living in the United States.

As reported by Fox News, Republican Rep. Mike McCaul, who is the chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, said the following:

“I am extremely concerned about Syrian and ISIS recruiters can use the Internet at lightning speeds to recruit followers in the United States with thousands of followers in the United States and then activate them to do whatever they want to do,” McCaul said. “Whether it’s military installations, law enforcement or possibly a Fourth of July event parade.”

McCaul added:

In light of the three attacks in three hours on three continents overseas shows us that ISIS is just regionalized like the administration says only in Iraq and Syria but rather demonstrates a global threat, that they can conduct external operations and they’re very savvy doing that over the Internet.

Aside from the triple attacks overseas, in the past several weeks, 10 U.S. citizens have been arrested by the FBI for plotting attacks on U.S. soil.