United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon announced this week that he plans on meeting Tuesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian dictator Mahmoud Abbas.

But before he arrived in the region, Ban castigated Israel for defending itself.

The “walls, checkpoints, harsh responses by the security forces” to Palestinian terrorist attacks “are not necessary,” Ban opined, “and house demolitions (of the homes of terrorists) cannot sustain the peace and safety that you need and must have.”

While condemning Israel, Ban said that he understood the grievances of the Palestinian people, therefore providing sanction for the murderous jihadis to continue their actions.

“I urge the youth of Palestine – as the future of your people and society – to turn your frustration into a strong, but peaceful, voice for change,” he said. “I am not asking you to be passive, but you must put down the weapons of despair.”

“You are angry at the continued occupation and expansion of settlements,” Ban added, again continuing to provide propaganda for Palestinian terrorists to continue their murderous campaign. “Many of you are disappointed in your leaders and in us, the international community, because of our inability to end this occupation.”

Refusing to place blame on the Palestinians for their barbaric killings over the past few weeks, Ban urged both sides to “break this cycle of violence and fear” and to “stand firm against terror, violence and incitement.”

“Non-violence requires more courage and strength than violence,” Ban added, continuing with his platitudes. “At this difficult time, let us say ‘enough is enough.’”

Over the years, the United Nations has become more and more committed to a campaign to delegitimize and ultimately destroy the state of Israel.

Its Human Rights Council passes more resolutions against Israel than every other country in the world combined.

Its UNESCO is now attempting to turn the most holy Jewish site in the world into a Muslim site.

Its UNRWA has consistantly been caught providing support and aid to Palestinian terrorists.