A female member of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) has tortured a Syrian girl to death for violating dress code.

The execution took place in Manbij, located 85 miles northwest of Raqqa.

The Islamic State arrested the 21-year-old female after she allegedly violated the dress code established in the town. The militants took her to jail, where a woman known as Oum Farouq tortured the young woman to death.

“She was harshly tortured. We have received her dead body full of physical effects of torture,” explained one family member. “We cannot even protest against this horrible crime. The only judicial department in Manbij is the Sharia Court, which supports such crimes.”

A former female prisoner described life behind bars.

“The militants practice all kinds of violence against the female prisoners. Once you protest, they will beat you to death,” she said.

The Islamic State formed the female al-Khansaa brigade in Raqqa, but it is unknown if the terrorist group established similar groups in other territories. The brigade terrorizes women because men cannot touch females under Sharia law.

The brigade recently mutilated and butchered a mother for publicly breastfeeding her child.

“An [Isis] policewoman took the baby, gave it to another woman, and then killed the mother,” stated Aisha, who managed to escape the grips of ISIS after militants beheaded her husband in front of their child.

The mother attempted to shelter her son under her burqa while she hid under the tree, but she did not succeed for long enough to escape the female al-Khansaa brigade, who attacked her following the alleged exposure. Islamic State Twitter accounts reported that the women mutilated her before the execution because she violated “public purity.”

“I once saw a woman at a market and she lifted her niqab [face veil] to inspect the vegetables,” described Salih, 77. “An Isis policewoman saw her and beat her. She was bleeding so badly that she died on the way to hospital. I saw many things, but I would cry if I told you them all.”

In December 2014, the al-Khansaa Brigade unveiled the “biter,” a bear trap for women’s breasts. It is responsible for “causing severe pain and wounds [which] may lead women in some cases to be transported to the hospital.”

Dress code violations are the most common violation in Raqqa, especially if the women have sequins on their burqa.

“They will destroy any handbags that have beads or [fake] diamonds on them,” said Huda, 19. “Only black is allowed.”

“Women armed with electric shock sticks regulated our lives,” added Aisha. “If a woman is not totally covered they will lash her 80 times on the street.”