The anti-pornography National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) has accused Amnesty International of abandoning its commitment to human rights and instead pandering to pimps, in a new campaign targeting Amnesty’s support for legalized prostitution.

Amnesty International has recently published a series of detailed “research reports” on the situation of sex workers in a series of countries as part of its crusade for legalized prostitution. The group says that decriminalization “is a necessary first step” and “will enable governments to do more to protect people who do sex work.”

NCOSE attacks Amnesty’s claim that prostitutes are “voluntary sex workers” and therefore engaged in a liberated lifestyle of their own choosing. Some 90 percent of prostitutes are not there of their own volition and “urgently want to escape it,” the Center contends.

Using the hashtag #noamnestyforpimps, the anti-porn group proposes that the only ones benefiting from Amnesty’s support of prostitution are pimps and johns — and not the prostitutes themselves.

According to NCOSE, the decriminalization of prostitution supported by Amnesty International “is one of the world’s most disastrous approaches to the sex trade because it is a gift to pimps and sex buyers allowing them to carry out their activities as mere ‘sex business operators’ and ‘customers,’ and normalizes the sexual violence and exploitation inherent to prostitution as a form of ‘work.’”

In a scathing rebuke to the essence of Amnesty’s declared mission, NCOSE argues that support of decriminalized prostitution “will undermine the human rights of persons in the sex trade (the majority of whom are females), and give impunity to perpetrators of sexploitation.”

Amnesty supports a number of ambiguous causes under the guise of human rights, including abortion on demand throughout the world, calling the legalization of abortion an important advance made by “brave activists.”

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