On the foreign policy front, the Democrats for years have blamed America for the actions of rogue nations and dictators. Indeed, as Mona Charen pointed out at length, in her book Useful Idiots, the Democrats have been all too willing to Blame America First for the actions of others. So the storyline goes, when Russia armed itself, it was a justified response to the American arms buildup – as if Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev were otherwise peace loving souls.

No mere academic cheer for Democrats, they have campaigned on their Blame America First theme for years. In the minds of those Democrats, rather than display arrogance, America must be more humble, except blame for World troubles and not seek to impose its view on the world. The latest iteration of that, of course, was Obama’s campaign.

According to Obama, following 9/11:

Millions around the world were ready to stand with us. They were willing to rally to our cause because it was their cause too – because they knew that if America led the world toward a new era of global cooperation, it would advance the security of people in our nation and all nations.” According to Obama, however, the Bush Administration “squandered that opportunity . . . [and] . . . World opinion has turned against us.

What is the cure for such “mistakes,” according to Obama? As we have seen, it is to apologize on his world tours for American actions, to promise to talk directly to dictators, to abandon missile systems, to speak softly in the face of phony Iranian elections and crack downs on dissent, to bow in front of dictators, wear a thin mustache in front Middle Eastern leaders in Egypt, preach global responsibility, promise to close Guantanamo, give rights to Interpol over US territory, and on and on.

So what significant results have such “unmistaken” actions begot our leader and our nation on the great issues of the day? Frankly, a slap in the face.

After offering rapprochement to Iran, Iran has changed its actions not at all. Indeed, it is pursuing nuclear energy/weapons with the same vigor as before and Ahmadinejad turned bellicose on Obama. He has variously called Obama a “meddler,” demanded Obama apologize, said that Obama has been “a disappointment to the world,” and characterized Obama’s year-end deadline on a U.N.-drafted fuel deal as “meaningless.”

Not to be completely out done, the Olympic Committee embarrassed Obama in front of the World; China and India effectively scuttled a deal in Copenhagen, governments spurned Obama’s demand for tighter airport screening, and, of course, al Qaeda sought to blow-up an American plane.

Surely no one can confuse Obama’s actions or rhetoric, on the whole, for President Bush. Yet, a year into his Presidency, the World just doesn’t seem to buying into Obama’s messianic esteem. To the contrary, Iran and the al Qaeda mini 9/11 bombing demonstrate that they still hate America regardless of Obama’s peace overtures.

Of course, those of us who understand Jefferson’s admonitions that “Weakness provokes insult & injury while condition to punish it often prevents it,” and “Whatever enables us to go to war, secures our peace,” are surprised not at all that the World dictator class has not rolled over for Obama. They will make use of him where they can and when they can. The only question becomes, how much danger will the US incur, before Americans wake up again to the fact that Obama will probably always Blame America First and that there is no international substitute for true stature.