Trayvon Martin’s family attorney, Jasmine Rand, attacked the six-woman jury in the George Zimmerman trial on Greta Van Susteren’s nightly Fox News show. Van Susteren immediately called Rand out on her accusations and she tried to back away from the comments.

“We never endorsed that jury,” and, “If they had listened to the evidence and if they had followed the law, then George Zimmerman would have been convicted of murder,” were among the inflammatory statements Rand made about the jury.

Van Susteren then walked Rand through the purpose and responsibility of a jury in the U.S. criminal justice system. Rand responded by saying, “I have a greater duty beyond being an attorney and that’s to be a social engineer.”

Rand then made an about-face and contradicted her initial statements, saying: “That doesn’t mean that we don’t respect the decision those six people made.”

Van Susteren then proceeded to educate Rand and expressed concern over her sentiments. When Rand attempted to inform Van Susteren about social justice, the host stated: “I bet if we put my career up next to yours, in terms of civil rights and what we’ve done in a courtroom for poor people, I’ll put my career up next to yours any day you want, Jasmine [Rand].”