Donald Trump is not without his detractors, naysayers who say he’s an unserious candidate in serious times.

Yet given the cruel and daunting threats the nation faces—ISIS, $18 trillion U.S. debt, broken borders, rampant joblessness, violent crime—America, more than ever, needs strong, decisive leadership.

Thankfully for the nation, America has many strong Republican primary candidates from which to choose. But those who say Trump isn’t among them are wrong.

Here, then, are at least 10 reasons Trump would make a stellar president.

  1. Trump believes in American exceptionalism.
  2. Trump is tough, unafraid to flex America’s muscles, and has the backbone America needs to take on the evil growing around the world.
  3. Trump is an experienced and tough dealmaker.
  4. Trump is not politically correct; he’s not afraid to say what he believes and has ignited an honest debate.
  5. Trump demands high performance and will fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards.
  6. Trump is committed to education.
  7. Trump “built that business” and many more and will run America like a business.
  8. Trump will not balance his job as President with golf and other social events.
  9. Trump’s loyalty will be only to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity.
  10. Trump will support American laws, the Constitution, and the nation’s borders.

Trump gets it.

Trumps understands the level of concern American’s have with the current direction of the country. America doesn’t just want change. American wants Oblimination – the complete reversal of President Obama’s failed policies.