New Jersey Governor Chris Christie denounced Edward Snowden in an interview on Fox News, calling him “a piece of garbage” and “a traitor” for exposing government secrets and fleeing to Russia.

Christie was asked by Fox News host Greg Gutfeld if he would send the Navy SEALS into Russia to pick up the controversial figure.

“No, I wouldn’t,” he said. “I wouldn’t send the SEALS in to pick up that piece of garbage. I wouldn’t put any SEALS life at risk to pick up a traitor and a piece of garbage which is what Snowden is.”

Christie told the panel that Snowden was “empowered” by political figures like Sen. Rand Paul, even though what he was doing was “illegal and unconstitutional.”

When asked what he thought about a potential pardon of Snowden by the Obama administration, Christie dismissed it as a deal he wouldn’t trust.

“I don’t trust any deal this administration makes,” he said.