Edward Snowden

Right-Wing Dominance in European Elections Foreshadows Trends That Could Signal Massive Trouble for Biden, Boon for Trump

Former President Donald Trump and American Republicans feel buoyed by right-wing victories across Europe in this weekend’s European Parliament elections that shocked France and other nations, a possible foreshadowing of the U.S. electoral landscape similar to how the United Kingdom’s 2016 Brexit referendum preceded Trump’s victory here that year.

Republican presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rall

Putin Grants Russian Citizenship to Edward Snowden

Russian leader Vladimir Putin on Monday granted Russian citizenship to Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor who fled to Russia in 2013 after leaking classified documents about NSA surveillance programs.

US whistleblower Edward Snowden addresses the other speakers and audience through a live v

Edward Snowden’s NFT Self-Portrait Raises $5.4 Million for Charity

An NFT self-portait of the intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden reportedly sold for $5.4 million at a charity auction last week. The proceeds of the sale benefit the Freedom of the Press Foundation, which is a non-profit that works on the development of open-source tools for whistleblowers.

The Associated Press

Edward Snowden Warns of AI-Driven Tyranny

Whistle-blower Edward Snowden, who revealed the mass surveillance of Americans in his 2013 leaks about the National Security Agency (NSA), has issued a warning about the rise of AI-driven policing in the near future.

Edward Snowden

Chinese Media Claims U.S. Has ‘Hidden Backdoors’ to Hack Global Tech

China’s state-run Global Times on Sunday criticized the United States for reportedly launching a cyberattack on Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and turned American criticism of Chinese technology on its head by claiming Washington is the party waging a long campaign of electronic espionage against Beijing.

Asus pushed malware on thousands of computers: Kaspersky

Total Vetting Fail: Left-Wing Snowden Fan Girl Reality Winner Gets Access to Our NSA Secrets

It reads like something out of a screwball comedy: a far-left activist named “Reality Leigh Winner” somehow received clearance to work for the National Security Agency, which she allegedly proceeded to rob of classified material in the name of the kookburger anti-Trump “Resistance.” In the post-Edward Snowden era, how does someone like this get anywhere near sensitive data?

Reality Winner

18 Major Scandals in Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency

President Obama and his mouthpieces have embarked on a bizarre scheme to hypnotize America into forgetting the many scandals of his presidency. They seem to think that intoning “this administration hasn’t had a scandal” over and over again will make history disappear. It’s the lamest Jedi Mind Trick ever, and is being pushed on people who know Star Wars is just a movie.
