The latest poll out of Florida delivers some bad news for Jeb Bush and even worse news for Hillary Clinton. In his home state, Bush is being crushed by Donald Trump, the current GOP frontrunner, who earns the support of 32% of Republican primary voters. Florida Senator Marco Rubio comes in second with 19% support. Jeb sits at a measly 11%, which puts him only 1 point behind Ban Carson.

Carly Fiorina comes in fifth with 8.3%.

Clearly Trump and Rubio are leading the pack while Jeb sits in the mix with the rest of the field.

Hillary is in far worse shape. In a head to head match-up, in a must-win swing state, she loses to Carson, Rubio, and Jeb by wide margins. Trump is statistically tied.

Carson had 51.7 percent of the Florida vote to Clinton’s 39.5 percent.

Rubio had 50.4 percent to Clinton’s 42.2 percent.

Bush beat Clinton, 49.1 percent to 40.9 percent.

Trump and Clinton were statistically tied, with 45.9 percent for him and 44.5 percent for her.

Clinton is viewed unfavorably by 54% of Floridians, only 41% view her favorably.

Jeb’s unfavorablity rating is upside down by -4 points.

Trump has the worst unfavorable of anyone. The billionaire businessman is upside by a whopping -23%.

Floridians like Marco. His favorability is in the plus by +11 points.


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