Talk radio host Mark Levin argued that President Obama and Pope Francis I “speak down to us about so many things” on Thursday.

Levin stated, “We have a president and a pope who speak down to us about so many things. Whether it’s immigration, whether it’s poverty, frankly, they do not appreciate the American people. They do not appreciate American history, the American heritage, what the people of this nation have done for themselves, and the rest of the world. It’s easy for a man like Barack Obama, who’s contributed zero to American liberty to go off on his ideological agenda and force his will on the American people because of the failure of the opposition party and the courts to stop him. It’s easy for a pope to come here from Italy, from the Vatican, and quite frankly, lecture us in many respects, and talk down to us in many respects about immigration. We, the most tolerant, giving people on the face of the earth, who sent our own men and women all over the world to fight wars for liberty.”

He added, “what Barack Obama says about we the people, what the pope has said about we the people, doesn’t understand we the people. We are a unique, crucially important people in world history. And we are different. I don’t mean by DNA. I don’t mean by looks. I mean we are different, in terms of our mindset, our psychology, which is built around liberty.”

(h/t The Right Scoop)

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