Over the course of 2015 Breitbart News has confirmed that the Washington Post’s fact check column is a fraud — nothing more than a left-wing opinion column disguised as fact-checking. Our detailed, in-depth study proved that Republicans are targeted by the Post almost twice as often as Democrats, and that in order to damage potential challengers to Hillary Clinton, objective facts are spun into lies targeted to undermine the Republican.

Fact Check column editor Glenn Kessler has made no secret of his delight in openly taunting Republicans.

Tuesday morning the left-wing Post launched a fact check blasting Republican frontrunner Donald Trump and admitted that it did so before knowing all the, well, facts.

The Post has awarded Trump the full boat of four Pinocchios over the billionaire businessman’s claim that his just-revealed tax plan would cost the Republican a fortune.

And yet after calling Trump a liar, the Post admits that its own fact check is premature, that all the details of Trump’s tax plan, including a myriad of loopholes (that mostly benefit the wealthy and connected) Trump intends to close, are not yet known:

Admittedly, there are many details that are still missing in Trump’s plan, so some readers may argue it is premature to issue a rating.

How can one do a fact check without having all the details?

Why would one do a fact check before waiting for all the details?

As with everything else our nine month investigation found, the Post’s motive is partisan, not truth.


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